Princess to the Rescue
In this modern fairy tale the Princess is not one just waiting to be saved
but a fearless and enterprising girl who will face a series of challenges
to enter the castle of the witch and save her beloved prince… will she succeed!?
This project is made entirely with traditional techniques, is dated but I am still very fond of it and it still runs around the world in the children books fairs.
Children book publishing: 4+
Marina e Mariana
Friendship is a relationship of trust, sympathy, affection and above all mutual choice.
It’s a feeling that is cultivated over time and changes along with the experiences, that’s why some friendships end and others last a lifetime.
What will be the fate of the link between Marina and Mariana?
For this book project I also edited the text graphics and I chose to give color only to the two main protagonists, two contrasting colors just like their personality, focusing the reader’s gaze on the actions and words that will contribute to the development of their relationship.
Children book publishing: 7+